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A full-width view of the child size train in the library. The wording on the side of the train reads Library Express All Aboard
Every other Thursday at 5 pm starting on January 9th!
Join us for stories, songs, a craft and lots of smiles and giggles!

Fines and Lost Materials

The Logan-Hocking County District Library charges fines on DVDs and Videos only. The charge on late DVDs and Videos is $1.00 per item per day. The fines cannot exceed $10.00 per item.
Broken or lost DVDs and VHS tapes is a $15.00 charge.
Broken or lost DVD cases is a $3.00 charge.
Broken or lost CDs is a $10.00 charge.
Broken or lost Computer Software is a $10.00 charge.
Broken or lost Audio Cassettes is a $5.00 charge.
Lost or damaged magazines is a $1.00 charge.

Library Cards

Library cards at the Logan-Hocking County District Library are free.
Proof of identity via photo ID and current residential address are required to obtain a card.
Replacement cards are $2.50 each.
Cards must be presented in order to check items out.
Children ages 6 and older will be issued a bookmobile card if they reside in the Hocking County School District.
Children ages 6 and older being home-schooled may obtain a card from the library if there is a legal guardian present with proper identification.

Privacy Statement

The Logan-Hocking County District Library website is provided for information purposes only.

Logan-Hocking County District Library collects no personal information from website visitors. Logan-Hocking County District Library uses cookies to collect traffic data for analysis, and Logan-Hocking County District Library uses Google Analytics to track general use, but does not track or permanently record information about individuals and their visits.

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List of research database titles, descriptions and links
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Oxford Research Encyclopedias Screenshot
Oxford Research Encyclopedias
Reference content in humanities, social sciences, and science.
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Science Reference Center Screenshot
Science Reference Center
Contains full text for hundreds of science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals and other sources.
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