Home Page

A full-width view of the child size train in the library. The wording on the side of the train reads Library Express All Aboard
Every other Thursday at 5 pm starting on January 9th!
Join us for stories, songs, a craft and lots of smiles and giggles!

Ohio Web Library Search Results

hits > 0){ foreach ($xml->results->result as $result) { $author = $result->author!=""?$result->{'author'}:"n/a"; $description = $result->description!=""?$result->{'description'}:"none"; $output .= "
Source: ".$result->source."
Author: $author
Description: $description
"; } $output .= "
See the full list of results at the Ohio Web Library"; }else{ $output = "No results found"; } } ?>
Database Search:

Books for Sale

The Logan-Hocking County District Library now offers books for sale at all times. The library will also offer movies and magazines from time to time. The suggested donations are $.10 for paperbacks and $.25 for hardbacks. Magazines and VHS movies will be offered for free.


The tutor is in 24/7! Free online training with your Logan-Hocking County Library Card. 
What would you like to learn today?
*Basic PC Skills
*Microsoft Office Suite
*Adobe Creative Suite
*How to Code
*3D Animation
*Build a Website
*Start a Buisiness
*Create Prototypes
*Video/Audio Editing
*Design a Logo
Get started by visiting the library's Lynda.com website at: