Bookmobile for Sale-Bidding ends December 17 @ 5 PM!
BOOKMOBILE FOR SALE Posted: December 2, 2024
BOOKMOBILE FOR SALE Posted: December 2, 2024
Come join the staff at the Main Branch (Logan) in decorating cookies with Santa, games, a holiday movie and refreshments!
Thursday, December 12, 2024
4:30-6:30 PM
We look forward to celebrating with you!
Adults, join us every other Thursday at 5 pm for Throwback Thursday, an activity-filled evening to remind us of the best of the 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's! Please see our events calendar for schedule and activity details.
Join us every other Thursday from 5:00-6:30PM, starting on February 13th for the LIT HAPPENS Book Club!
We hope you can join us at the Laurelville Branch every Tuesday @ 10 am for Storytime with Mrs. Tamara. As it is snow and flu season, please check our website or Facebook page before leaving home to ensure that storytime is still on for the day.
Photo Credit: (Creative Commons Licensed)
Logan-Hocking Library will be having a local author Meet and Greet.
We invite you to join us for storytime at the Logan Branch! We meet on Tuesday evenings at 5:30 and Thursday Mornings at 10 am.
Please click on the icon you would like to know more about.
The library is governed by a Board of Trustees which consists of seven members, three appointed by the Judge(s) of the court of common pleas for Hocking County and four appointed by the Hocking County Commissioners, for a term of seven years. Monthly board meetings are typically the third Monday at 5:30 PM in Conference Room A. Please see the events calendar for scheduled board meetings.
2024 Board of Trustees