Imagine Your Story!-Virtual Summer Reading Program 2020

This year's summer reading program theme is Imagine Your Story!  It will run from June 10th through August 14th.  Because of the mass group restrictions mandated by the state, we have decided to have a virtual summer reading program, and are bringing it to you every Wednesday Morning at 10 AM via Facebook Live or another virtual platform (like Zoom). Some events require registration.  Please check out our events calendar for performance details and/or registration information.

We are still having our reading log challenge!  While our events are for kids of all ages, we have divided our summer reading log challenge into ages 5-12 for Children's Summer Reading Program and 13-18 for the Teen Summer Reading Program (we will save our Adult Reading Program for wintertime).  We typically handout paper registration forms, and a paper reading log.  This year we are using an online platform called Beanstack (  It is an easy-to-use site where your can sign up for not only sign up for the summer reading challenge, but sign up for other reading challenges like "10 to Try" and "1,000 Books Before Kindergarten".  The challenges for the Summer Reading Program will include a prize for every 100 minutes read (like we have always done with the paper logs) AND we will have one grand prize.  You will earn one ticket for the grand prize drawing with each 100 minutes you read, and the drawing will take place in August.