Summer Feeding, for any kid under 18, starts June 1 Please note that the procedure is different because of the Pandemic, and Dr. Acton's Social Distancing Orders. You must pick up your food and then exit the pickup spot. There are no weekend packs this year, so there are no forms to sign; kids 18 and under can just show up and pick up their meal.
Logan: Monday through Friday, Noon - 1 PM (or until lunches run out, whichever happens first. Meals can be picked at the meeting room porch (on the Walnut Street side of the library). Please use the taped lines on the sidewalk as a 6 foot guideline to social distancing. Each individual will walk up to the porch and grab one lunch pack out of the cooler and then exit in the opposite direction of the line. Please do not gather in groups.
Laurelville Branch: Wednesdays and Fridays, Noon - 1 pm (or until lunches run out, whichever happens first). Laurelville's pickup place will be the school sidewalk. We ask that you use the black poles of the sidewalk cover as your guide for social distancing. Please do not gather in groups.